Some tips for Family

“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

I read through some articles in section. Some of them were very interesting topics. Family life is the most important thing for a man. You might think career is more important but what many of us don’t realize that all the success in career is not useful if you don’t have your family to celebrate the success.

In todays’ life we get so entangled with financial commitments that we are always running behind money. We want to grow our career graph quickly so that we can meet all our financial commitments. It is important to earn money but not at the cost of your family. At the end of the day we do all that hard work for the family.

Today I see many people decide that weekends is for family and throughout the week their time is entirely dedicated for work. This might not be a right approach. You might lose connect with your family’s regular work which happens on week days.

For example, during week days you kid might spend some time in reading and playing. During the weekends you might travel out or might spend most of the time watching Television. This means you will be missing the quality time to spend with your kid teaching him and playing with him. So do try to take at least 30 minutes in a day for your son.

Assist your wife with some small day to day work. This will help her ego. Mostly woman get a feeling that you are spending the entire day in office and don’t really care what she does throughout the day and how much work she has. When you assist her in some work she would feel that you respect her work and ready to help. A small 15 to 30 minutes of help will help your relationship in a big way.

Most of us never worry about the old people in our home. We feel taking them to doctor regularly and giving them essentials in a timely manner is enough. We should spend some time in a day with them as well to make them feel that they are important to the family even today. It is good to take an opinion from them on day to day decisions you take. It gives them a feeling that their suggestions matter to you even today. And moreover they bring a whole life’s experience along with them. Even a good morning and good night daily is enough for most of them.

These things will not eat up more than one hour of your day. Trust me it a very less time for the family which only cares about you.


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