Some tips for Child and You

“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

I read through some articles in I really like some tips for child development. I have a 3 year old son and found it useful. So I thought I should also share some tips for child development.

Raising a kid is not an easy thing. More than the effort it is the responsibility of giving him a good upbringing which is more important. It is a huge responsibility. Especially in today’s environment where there are so many things that can pollute a kid’s mind.

It is very important to help the child in focusing in the right direction. You will have to start with some basic things. Firstly let the child sit with you while having food so that he learns how to respect food. Teach him to pray and thank God for providing the meal. This will imbibe some basic discipline in the child. Tell him that he should not waste food and there are so many kids who don’t get the food. This will help him respecting food.

Spend some time with the child playing. Play along with his toys. Most of us today make a mistake of giving the child phone, movies or video games so that he does not disturb us. This will cause serious issues. The child will stop interacting with people and will be more engrossed in phone, computers or television. The child should learn to talk with respect to elders and these are things which you can easily imbibe in him while playing.

Take him to places of charity. This will help him learn to share at a very early age. This is one habit which is the most important for any child. It will help him grow as a better person in the society. He will be a good citizen.

Don’t reprimand the child when he lies to you. Instead talk to him patiently and explain him the after effects of a lie. Tell him that to cover a lie he will have to tell more lies and it will make him a very bad person one day. Tell him people will respect and like him only when he is honest person.

Teach him cleanliness and keep things tidy. This will bring a basic discipline in his life. Teach him small things like when you come home you should wash your hand, face and legs. You don’t have to tell him this. If you start doing this in front of him, he will do it automatically.

Make all these things a part of his system so that he does not feel that these are work. These should be his habits and not duty.

I hope these tips are useful for parents. I know these are not new things which I am saying but nothing wrong in re-iterating.


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